Funded traineeship courses

The instruction belongs to the following themes

By selecting a degree programme you are able to see the general content as well as the possible degree programme-specific content. You do not have to select a degree programme to see the Open University's instructions.

Traineeship funding from the University can be applied for a traineeship belonging to a degree. Below you will find a list of traineeship courses for which the University’s traineeship funding is available. You can find the traineeship coordinator's contact information from Sisu in the course information section.

The list is updated regularly, but if you notice anything missing from it or feel uncertain about whether your course is one of those for which funding is available, please contact Career Services at

For general instructions regarding traineeships, please see the Traineeships page.

Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Bachelor's Programme in Biology

Course: Career Orientation
Course code: BIO-005
Credits: 5

Course: Career Orientation 2
Course code: BIO-005B
Credits: 5-10

Bachelor's Programme in Molecular Biosciences

Course: Work project 1
Course code: MOLE-002A
Credits: 5

Course: Work project 2
Course code: MOLE-002B
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Sciences

Course: Työelämäjakso
Course code: ENV-003
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Course: Internship in ecology and evolutionary biology 1
Course code: EEB-009
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences

Course: Internship period 1
Course code: GMB-003A
Credits: 5

Course: Internship period 2
Course code: GMB-003B
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Integrative Plant Sciences

Course: Practical training
Course code: IPS-009
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Neuroscience

Course: Practical training 1
Course code: NEU-404
Credits: 5-10

Course: Practical training 2
Course code: NEU-405
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability

Course: Internship period
Course code: ECGS-153
Credits: 5-10

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Bachelor's Programme in Veterinary Medicine

Course: Valinnainen harjoittelu
Course code: ELK-405
Credits: 2

Course: Valinnainen harjoittelu ulkomailla
Course code: ELK-406
Credits: 1-6

Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine

Course: Valinnainen harjoittelu
Course code: ELL-452
Credits: 2

Course: Valinnainen harjoittelu ulkomailla
Course code: ELL-453
Credits: 1-6

Faculty of Pharmacy

Bachelor's Programme in Pharmacy

Course: Farmasian valinnainen harjoittelu
Course code: PROV-215
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Pharmacy

Course: Farmasian valinnainen harjoittelu
Course code: PROV-215
Credits: 5-10

Master's programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety

Course: Internship
Course code: MPHARM-012
Credits: 5-10

Faculty of Arts

Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy, practical philosophy and theoretical philosophy

Course: Työelämäjakso (harjoittelu tai työelämäprojekti)
Course code: FILK-216
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy, in Swedish (Kandidatprogrammet i filosofi)

Course: Arbetslivsperiod (praktik)
Course code: FILK-S208
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in History

Course: Skills for Working Life
Course code: HISK-252
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Languages

Course: Työharjoittelu 
Course code: KIK-412
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in the Languages and Literatures of Finland

Course: Työelämään orientoivat opinnot 1
Course code: KOK-407S

Course: Arbetslivsorientering
Course code: KOK-407N
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Cultural Studies

Course: Työelämäopinnot
Course code: KUKA-202
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Art Studies

Course: Työelämäopinnot (Elokuva- ja televisiotutkimus)
Course code: TTK-EL270 (NB! only in 2020-23 OPS)
Credits: 5

Course: Työelämäopinnot (Estetiikka)
Course code: TTK-ES270
Credits: 5

Course: Työelämäopinnot (Teatteritiede)
Course code: TTK-TE270
Credits: 5

Course: Musiikintutkijan työkenttä (Musiikkitiede)
Course code: TTK-MU270
Credits: 5

Course: Työelämäopinnot (Yleinen kirjallisuustiede)
Course code: TTK-YL270
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Area and Cultural Studies

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: ALKU-322
Credits: 5

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: ALKU-323
Credits: 10

Master's Programme in English Studies

Course: Working Life Practice
Course code: ENG-E321
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in History

Course: Practical Training
Course code: HISM-331
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters - ICE

Course: Traineeship / Project work
Course code: ICE-3061 / ICE-3062
Credits: 5/10

Master's Programme in Languages

Course: Traineeship (East Asian Languages)
Course code: KIM-AA307
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Italian philology)
Course code: KIM-IT316
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (German Language and German Speaking Culture)
Course code: KIM-DE305
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Russian Language and Literature)
Course code: KIM-RU306
Credits: 5

Course: Professional Orientation (Slavic and Baltic Studies)
Course code: KIM-SB304
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Spanish Philology)
Course code: KIM-ES306
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Portuguese Philology)
Course code: KIM-PO310
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (African and Middle Eastern Languages, curriculum 2020-23)
Course code: KIM-KY301 (substitutes the old code KIM-AL314)
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Greek Language and Literature)
Course code: KIM-AE310
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Latin and Roman Literature)
Course code: KIM-LA310
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Ancient Near Eastern languages)
Course code: KIM-LI317
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (French Language and French Speaking Culture)
Course code: KIM-FR305
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship (Language and identity in global communities)
Course code: KIM-KY301
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Literary Studies

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: KIR-327
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Cultural Heritage

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: KUMA-302
Credits: 5

Course: Työelämäopinnot, työharjoittelu tai projektikurssi (Taidehistoria)
Course code: KUMA-TA304
Credits: 5

Course: Työelämäpraktikum (Etnologia ja folkloristiikka)
Course code: KUMA-EF305
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Translation And Interpreting

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: TRA-Y317
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities (LingDig)

Course: Work Practice
Course code: LDA-311
Credits: 5

Course: Research project
Course code: LDA-313
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Scandinavian Languages and Literature

Course: Work Life practice, Scandinavian languages and literature
Course code: NOR-311
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Gender Studies

Course: Harjoittelujakso/ Harjoittelu
Course code: SPT-3711
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Finnish and Finno-Ugrian Languages and Cultures

Course: Harjoittelu
Course code: SUKU-404
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Art Studies

Course: Kansainvälistymis- ja työelämäjakso
Course code: TTM-450
Credits: 5

Course: Työelämäopinnot (teatteritiede)
Course code: TTM-TE320
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Russian Studies/Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European Studies

Course: Project course II/2
Course code: RUS-3120/REE-312
Credits: 10

Course: Project course II
Course code: RUS-3121
Credits: 5

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Bachelor's Programme in Education

Course: Kotitaloudellisen asiantuntijuuden kehittäminen (Kotitalousopettaja)
Course code: EDUK541
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Education

Course: Harjoittelu (Yleinen ja aikuiskasvatustiede)
Course code: EDUM329
Credits: 10

Course: Praktik (Allmän- och vuxenpedagogik)
Course code: EDUM921

Course: Asiantuntija-ammattiin ohjaava harjoittelu (Erityispedagogiikka)
Course code: EDUM251
Credits: 10

Course: Valinnainen harjoittelu (Erityispedagogiikka; harjoittelutukea voi hakea tähän opintojaksoon vain, jos harjoittelun tekee asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa, ei koulussa.)
Course code: EDUM241
Credits: 5-10

Course: Kotitaloudellisen asiantuntijuuden syventäminen (Kotitalousopettaja)
Course code: EDUM539
Credits: 5

Course: Harjoittelu II (hallinnon ja tutkimuksen painotus): Hallinnon ja kehittämistyön harjoittelu (Varhaiskasvatus)
Course code: EDUM733
Credits: 10

Master's Programme in Changing Education

Course: Traineeship
Course code: EDUMCE33
Credits: 10

Faculty of Medicine

Master's Programme in Development of Health Care Services

Course: Terveydenhuollon kehittämisen harjoittelu
Course code: TERV-202
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Translational Medicine

Course: Traineeship 1
Course code: TMED-031
Credits: 5

Course: Traineeship 2
Course code: TMED-032
Credits: 5

Course: Advanced Research Methods
Course code: TMED-992
Credits: 10 

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Bachelor's Programme in Forest Sciences

Course: Kandidaatin harjoittelu
Course code: ME-006
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Environmental and Food Economics

Course: Harjoittelu- ja työelämäjakso
Course code: YET-019
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Food Economy and Consumption

Course: Työelämäharjoittelu
Course code: EKM-114
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Food Sciences

Course: Practical Training in Food Sciences
Course code: FOOD-115
Credits: 2-4

Master's Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour

Course: Practical Training
Course code: HNFB-251
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics

Course: Career orientation/ Internship
Course code: AGERE-027
Credits: 4-10

Master's Programme in Agricultural Sciences

Course: Practical training
Course code: AGRI-018
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Forest Sciences

Course: Career portfolio and internship
Course code: FOR-002
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology

Course: Practical training
Course code: MMB-108
Credits: 5

Faculty of Science

Bachelor’s Programme in Science

Course: Work-life practice
Course code: BS4003
Credits: 0-5

Bachelor's Programme in Physical Sciences

Course: Harjoittelu (LuK-tutkinto)
Course code: FYS4008
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme in Chemistry

Course: Työharjoittelu (valinnainen)
Course code: KEK407
Credits: 1-5

Course: Kandiharjoittelu
Course code: KEK211
Credits: 9

Bachelor's Programme in Geography

Course: Työharjoittelu (LuK)
Course code: MAA-405
Credits: 5-10

Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences

Course: Harjoittelu Matemaattisten tieteiden kandiohjelmassa
Course code: MAT20008
Credits: 5

Bachelor's Programme for Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Course: Työelämäkokemus
Course code: MFK-406
Credits: 1-5

Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science

Course: Professional IT Working
Course code: TKT50005
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences

Course: Practical training (MSc)
Course code: PAP401
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Data Science

Course: Advanced work experience
Course code: DATA10005
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics

Course: Internship
Course code: GEOM_1005
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences

Course: Practical Training (MSc)
Course code: ATM401
Credits: 5

Course: Project course in atmospheric sciences
Course code: ATM303
Credits: 3-5

Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences

Course: Work Experience
Course code: KEM413
Credits: 1-5

Master's Programme in Geography

Course: Practical training
Course code: GEOG-405
Credits: 5-10

Master ́s Programme in Life Science Informatics

Course: Work experience
Course code: LSI30004
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics

Course: Work experience
Course code: MAST30004
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Materials Research

Course: Practical Training (MSc)
Course code: MATR401
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods

Course: Practical Training (MSc)
Course code: TCM401
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Computer Science

Course: Advanced Work Experience
Course code: CSM90001
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Urban Studies and Planning

Course: Practical training
Course code: USP-501
Credits: 5-10

Faculty of Law

Bachelor's Programme in Law

Course: Työharjoittelu, urasuunnittelutaidot ja ammatillinen verkostoituminen
Course code: ON-502 / VON-502
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Law

Course: Työharjoittelu, urasuunnittelutaidot ja ammatillinen verkostoituminen
Course code: OTM-500 / VOTM-500
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Law (in Swedish)

Course: Työharjoittelu, urasuunnittelutaidot ja ammatillinen verkostoituminen
Course code: OTM-500 / VOTM-500
Credits: 5-10

Master's Programme in Global Governance Law

Course: Internship
Course code: GGL-601
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in International Business Law

Course: Internship
Course code: IBL-601
Credits: 5-15

Swedish School of Social Science

Bachelor's Programme in Social Sciences (in Swedish)

Course: Arbetslivsorientering och förberedelse för sakkunniguppdrag
Course code: KSV-601
Credits: 10

Faculty of Theology

Master's Programme In Theology And Religious Studies (NB. the subsidy is applied from the faculty according to separate instructions

Opintojakson nimi: Työelämäjakso
Koodi: TUM-402
Opintopisteet: 10

Faculty of Social Sciences

Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies

Course: Traineeship
Course code: COS-601
Credits: 5-15

Course: Voluntary traineeship
Course code: VALT-604M
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies

Course: Traineeship
Course code: ENS-603
Credits: 5-15

Course: Voluntary traineeship
Course code: VALT-604M
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Philosophy

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: FILM-602M
Credits: 5-15

Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication

Course: Traineeship
Course code: GPC-601
Credits: 5-15

Course: Voluntary traineeship
Course code: VALT-604M
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Social Sciences (in Swedish)

Course: Arbetspraktik
Course code: MSV-602
Credits: 5-10

Master’s Programme in Politics, Media and Communication

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: PVM-602
Credits: 5-15

Course: Voluntary traineeship
Course code: VALT-604M
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Social and Health Research and Management

Course: Työharjoittelu
Course code: SOTE-504
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Social Research

Course: Traineeship
Course code: SOSM-602
Credits: 5-15

Course: Voluntary traineeship
Course code: VALT-604M
Credits: 5

Master's Programme in Economics

Course: Practical Training
Course code: ECOM-610
Credits: 5-15

Master's Programme in Society and Change

Course: Traineeship
Course code: YM-602
Credits: 5-15

Course: Voluntary traineeship
Course code: VALT-604M
Credits: 5