Networking means making contacts with other people. Networking continues throughout your life – you should start thinking about your own network and building it early!
The network can be thought of as a support network for one's own social relationships, which includes people from different walks of life. Your own network may include, for example, your (nuclear) family, relatives, friends, acquaintances and relationships established through hobbies and volunteering. You can also think about, for example, the university network (fellow students, teaching staff, support staff) and the working life network. Especially building a network that increases knowledge of working life during your studies is very useful and supports your growth into an expert and transition to working life.
One good way to network and at the same time think about your own future at work is mentoring. You can discuss with a mentor who has been in working life for a longer time, for example, how to identify and verbalize your strengths and areas of development and competence, consider different career options and decision-making, increase your knowledge of working life and increase your job-seeking skills.
As a method, mentoring is very simple: the 's questions, interests and goals determine the content of the mentoring. The prerequisites for successful mentoring can be summed up in three key factors: commitment, confidential interaction and goal-orientation.
Mentoring is suitable not only for the graduation phase, but also for the previous study phase if you are wondering about the above-mentioned issues or are unsure about your future. If you are wondering if mentoring would be right for you, don't hesitate to contact career services, for example!