First determine your goals.
Consider your own fields of interest in more detail before contacting potential thesis clients. Also familiarise yourself with the provisions set by your degree programme.
- What topics interest you?
- What kind of research cooperation would benefit you in the future?
- What kind of a job interests you?
- What topics are current and potentially interesting to thesis clients?
Question formulations set by Career Services can help you in considering your personal interests. Your own motivation to complete the thesis is very important.
Seeking clients
Seeking employers is most efficiently done on your own. You may already have good contacts: your former summer employer, for example, might be interested in research cooperation. Ask your friends and family for tips.
Look for potential businesses, agencies and institutions with an open mind. Many businesses have Master’s thesis banks of their own, to which you can put forward your thesis topic for utilisation.
Make use of various job-seeking portals. Career Services has compiled some of these under the Available jobs and traineeships section. Many project-based or fixed-term jobs can lead to a commissioned thesis through negotiation. Suggest this alternative if you find a suitable opening.
At the University, topics for Master’s theses can be searched for in sites such as these:
Prepare your idea
Finding a suitable client may take some time and add extra stages to your thesis process. One of these is the preparation of your thesis topic and a practical research plan. Employers may not necessarily be that interested in the theoretical part of your Master’s thesis.
It is easier for employers to accept an idea that is more fully prepared. It frees them from guessing at the student’s special field and wondering about possible thesis topics. It is your job to tell the employer about all of this. Describe your field(s) of competence in writing.
Draw up a research plan. Contact the organisation, present yourself and describe your proposal. You can also suggest a few alternative ideas.
Prepare for the event in the same way as you would for job seeking and job interviews. Make sure you know how to discuss your interests and market the topic of your research. It is worthwhile preparing something concrete, such as a PowerPoint presentation, on the research plan and questions.